Money Monday

Money Monday

Monday, February 3rd will be a very busy day for us with volume expected to exceed the client's original forecast.  We need all agents to service so that we can meet the client's Service Level and keep members out of queue.


To that end, we are announcing the 'Monday Money' incentive for all businesses supporting the Modivcare program.  Here's the skinny on how it works:


  • Service a minimum of your contractual Monday requirement (eight intervals) with a CA of at least 90%
  • For every interval serviced (eight or more), you receive a ticket into a raffle
  • At the end of the day, ten (10) 'winners' will be randomly selected to win $100 each!!!!!


Remember, the more intervals you service (and maintain 90% CA), the more tickets you will earn.  The more tickets you earn, the more your odds of winning increase!

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